Howard Zhou |
Ph.D. Student College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology |
howardz at cc . gatech . edu |
Journal |
Terrain Synthesis from Digital Elevation ModelsHoward Zhou, Jie Sun, Greg Turk, and James M. Rehg.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(4):834-848, 2007 [ project page ] [ bibtex ] |
Conference |
Movie Genre Classification via Scene CategorizationHoward Zhou, Tucker Hermans, Asmita Karandikar, and James M. RehgTo appear in Proc. ACM Multimedia International Conference (ACM MM), 2010 [ paper ] [ bibtex ] |
Dual Range Deringing for Non-blind Image DeconvolutionLe Zou, Howard Zhou, Samuel Cheng, and Chuan HeTo appear in Proc. of International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2010 [ paper ] [ bibtex ] |
Examplar-based Segmentation of Pigmented Skin Lesions from Dermoscopy ImagesHoward Zhou, Mei Chen, and James M. Rehg7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April, 2010 [ paper ] [ bibtex ] [ poster ] |
Dermoscopic Interest Point Detector and DescriptorHoward Zhou, Mei Chen, and James M. Rehg6th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1318-1321, June, 2009 [ paper ] [ bibtex ] [ talk ] |
Spatially Constrained Segmentation of Dermoscopy ImagesHoward Zhou, Mei Chen, Le Zou, Richard Gass, Laura Ferris, Laura Drogowski, and James M. Rehg5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 800-803, May, 2008 [ paper ] [ bibtex ] [ talk ] |
Feature Preserving Artifact Removal from Dermoscopy ImagesHoward Zhou, Mei Chen, Richard Gass, James M. Rehg, Laura Ferris, Jonhan Ho, and Laura Drogowski.SPIE Symposium on Medical Imaging, 2008 [ project page ] [ paper ] [ bibtex ] [ talk ] |
Last updated on 2010-07-19 16:07:48